
Simplifying and personalizing the search for nearby experiences.


End-to-end mobile-first responsive website


UX/UI Designer | Solo student project for Designlab UX Academy


14 weeks

Primary Tools: 

Figma, Fathom, Zoom, and Optimal Workshop


With the rise of digital resources, there’s been a shift by people to do their own research online. How often do we check reviews before trying a new restaurant or making a purchase? How about looking at user-submitted photos and videos?

According to a Pew Research Center survey, 81% of Americans say they rely on their own research when it comes to making decisions. Of those, 46% explained that they used digital tools for that research.


While researching experiences, people weren’t seeing personalized recommendations.

Research Goal: I want to learn about the challenges people face when searching for experiences near them, so I can effectively present experiences to them on the Neerkat platform — building value for users and increasing engagement.


Personalization and information visualization are key.

By implementing personalization features like the quiz and like/dislike buttons, users are able to give their feedback to refine the algorithm to see recommendations that match their interests better.


The competition lacked a personalization aspect.

Eezy was the only competitor that had a feature to personalize the search experience to the user. The user messages an AI chatbot that gives them recommendations based on their mood, but the results are often too broad and outdated. This then became my opportunity for the solution.


My interviewees valued experiences that were convenient, affordable, and interesting to them.

Research Questions:
“When you first moved to your area, what was the first thing you searched for around you? Why?”
“What challenges did you come across when searching for things to do?”
“What are your three most important must haves when picking an experience?”


4/6 interviewees value reviews and photos when searching for experiences in new areas.


93% of Americans believe customer reviews and ratings improve consumer experiences.

According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center, 88% of Americans said that reviews make them feel confident about their decision on a product or service.


Theme 1: Convenience & Reliability

100% of participants valued experiences that were conveniently located near them.
Reviews and photos gave participants an idea of what to expect and helped them make a decision.

Theme 2: Preferences & Personalization

5/6 participants enjoyed searching in map view.
100% of participants wanted a more personalized search experience to find places and activities that matched their interests.



I’d like to explore ways to help curious people to discover experiences that are conveniently located because they’ll avoid experiences that are too far or too difficult to get to.


How might we make it easier for new residents to discover experiences that are conveniently located?
How might we make the discovery process more time efficient?


Isabella, the adventure seeker

Feels a sense of community and belonging by meeting new friends, discovering local restaurants, and exploring the outdoors.

Pain points:
Finds it challenging to use multiple products to find experiences.
Dislikes last-minute plans because she prefers to plan ahead and do extensive research on experiences.


Josh, the thrifty student

Likes to establish routines and go  to spots nearby to feel more settled and at home in his new city.

Pain points:
As a student, he values budget-friendly experiences.
Avoids inconvenient experiences with long waits or bad traffic.
Disappointed by generic recommendations.


With a better understanding of my users, I defined three key task flows that addressed their motivations and frustrations.


Before wireframing, I created clear and precise user flows that provided me with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding the placement and organization of each screen in the interface.


Based on the user flows and task flows, I sketched the key screens: home, explore, details, saved plans, and the quiz.

At this stage:
Explored two different layouts and UI elements for each screen.
Received mentor and peer feedback to narrow down the design of each screen.


Created mid-fi wireframes of the key screens and expanded the design to include necessary screens for each flow.

At this stage:
Created more comprehensive and realistic UI components
Evaluated content structure based on visual hierarchy and layout
Set placement of images and icons


Neerkat is a play on the words: nearby and meerkat.

I created a mascot logo of a meerkat, which represents community and curiosity. Neerkat’s brand values are curiosity, vibrant, friendly, thoughtful, and connection.


Consistency through a design system.


Based on mentor and peer feedback, I made the following updates from mid fidelity to high fidelity:

Made the explore page the new homepage since the main CTA is for users to search.
Changed one of the quiz questions to ask users about their preferred modes of transportation instead of a qualitative question, which would be difficult to apply insights from.


Success metric: Can the user complete each task with a usability rating over 4.0?

Task flow 1: Taking the quiz

Average usability rating of 4.6/5

Task flow 2: Search using the search bar

Average usability rating of 4.9/5

Task flow 3: Search using “explore nearby listings”

Average usability rating of 4.5/5


Key results

All users successfully completed the tasks
Users gave an average overall usability rating of 4.7/5

Key findings

4/5 users felt that Neerkat reminded them of Yelp, Google, and Trip Advisor
3/5 users weren’t sure how accurate or meaningful the percentage matches were
4/5 users said if they were searching for something specific in mind, they’d use the search bar before the “explore nearby experiences” link
2/5 users weren’t sure where “explore nearby experiences” would take them


Updated hero image to increase distinction between the homepage before and after taking the quiz.

Users were confused to see the same homepage before and after taking the quiz.


Added a like/dislike feature to refine the algorithm for more accurate recommendations.

Users were skeptical of the vague percentage match feature in the original design.


Made the reviews prominent on the details page to be easier to see at-a-glance than before.

6/6 users stated that reviews were an influential factor in their decision-making.


Redefined the "explore nearby experiences" link to match users' existing mental models.

Users expected to see experiences that were very close by on the map. Previously, they were seeing recommendations that weren't filtered by distance.


The final product


Next steps

Get cross functional feedback from a developer and a data scientist about tracking the data of the like and dislike feature from the back end.
Explore a social and friends feature, where users could find their friends and see what plans they’re saving — building value for the user.
Expand the quiz to get insightful data on the user to increase the accuracy of the personalized recommendations made for them.

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