I am Sona Bang, a product and graphic designer building intuitive experiences in the Pacific Northwest.

Before this, I was a designer helping everyday entrepreneurs build their businesses online at GoDaddy and an intern creating rack cards for welcome centers for the National Park Service.

I thrive in collaborative spaces and seek to work with a supportive team to create user-centered solutions to make people's lives easier.

With my growth mindset, I’m constantly seeking new challenges to improve my craft. I'd love to work together to create experiences that are useful, usable, and fit seamlessly into your brand.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. When I’m not glued to a screen, you can find me rock climbing or crossing off another state on my bucket list of visiting all fifty states – I’m currently at 43/50! If you want to connect, head over to my contact page, email chrisonabang@gmail.com, or check out my LinkedIn profile.